7 Refreshing Breakfast Ideas for Summer


Not the sweet variety, dalia is a delectable breakfast choice rich in fiber and offering a substantial amount of energy-boosting carbs. Incorporate it into your morning routine for a healthy kickstart to the day.


Combine oats with a medley of berries and nuts for a breakfast bowl brimming with complex carbs, healthy fats, and proteins. It's a wholesome way to start your day on the right nutritional footing.


Fuel your day with a bowl of sprouts, promoting digestive health while keeping hunger at bay. Starting your morning with sprouts aids in maintaining a calorie deficit, facilitating weight management.


Light and nutritious, besan chila packs a protein punch that keeps you feeling full for hours. It's a satiating option that contributes to weight management goals.


Rice flakes, or poha, accompanied by roasted peanuts, offer a balanced mix of carbs for energy along with plenty of fiber and healthy fats, making it a savvy choice for weight management.


Elevate your breakfast upma by tossing in some vibrant vegetables. Low in calories yet incredibly filling, this dish is a weight-loss champion that doesn't compromise on taste.


Kickstart your day with a hearty two-egg omelette paired with a side of fresh vegetable salad. This wholesome breakfast isn't just nutritious and satisfying; it's also a smart choice for those looking to manage their weight.