Karnal: The Karnal unit of the IMA also observed a strike on Friday. Doctors of private hospitals reached the mini-secretariat and handed over a memorandum in support of their demands, addressed to Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, to the Deputy Commissioner. All 106 private hospitals remained closed completely, said Dr Gagan Kaushal, president of the local IMA unit.
“The state government had on several occasions assured us of implementing the amended Haryana Clinical Establishment Act instead of the Clinical Establishment Act of the Central Government, which is more stringent than the state Act. Small hospitals and nursing homes will not be able to meet the standards required under the Central Act and will have to shut down,” he added.
“We are requesting the government not to implement the Central Act and not to renege on its promise to implement the amended Haryana Act,” Dr Kauhsal said.
“We deeply regret inconvenience caused to people but we had no alternative but to close our establishments to bring our plight to the notice of the government and people,” he added.—TNS