Not a Single Thalassemic Child born at Sir Ganga Ram since 2006

dhanNew Delhi: On the dawn of World Thalassemic Day, Sir Ganga Ram hospital had something extraordinary to announce- That not a Single Thalassemic Child is born at Sir Ganga Ram since 2006 out of 50 thousand deliveries to date. This singular achievement of this hospital got thumbs up form dignitaries, Parliament Speaker Om Birla and Union Tribal Affairs Minister Arjun Munda. They were mighty impressed by the treatments of patients of thalassemia in this hospital. 170 thalassemia patients are getting treatment in Sir Ganga Ram.

Mr Birla assured that he will impress upon the central government to make thalassemia screening free all over India. Underlining the trauma and pain of thalassemic patients from close quarters in his constituency Kota in Rajasthan, he stressed the need to start a mission to eradicate this preventable disease in India and gave a clarion call for thalassemia free India.

Sir Ganga Ram’s Thalassemia  unit started from 1986. In addition to screening of new born babies for the disease, 170 thalassemic patients are being treated in this hospital.  Out of them 25 are from Delhi; one patient has attained the age of 50 and 26 patients have got married. Due to screening, there is zero addition to the number of thalassemia patients being treated in this hospital. These facts speak a volume about thalassemia program being run in Sir Ganga Ram with compassion.

Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in association with Thalassemics India today organised a function on World Thalassemia day on 9th May. A screening camp was held during the function with point of care testing for carrier detection. The point of care testing equipment first made in India was also launched in the function. On this occasion, Om Birla ji Honorable Speaker of Lok Sabha who was the chief guest and Arjun Munda ji who was the Guest of Honor interacted with Thalassemic children and distributed gifts, medicines and filters to them

Speaking on the occasion Om Birlaji reiterated the strong need to prevent thalassemia by National screening and assured his help in implementing the program. He also urged that safe blood be provided for these multi- transfused patients. He stressed the need for facilities to be available in all parts of the country. I will appeal to all members of parliament to start Thalassemia screening program in their respective constituencies so that it can be eradicated from India as soon as possible. I will also recommend to Government of India to start Thalassemia testing free of cost.

Arjun Munda stressed the need for prevention and screening on a national mission mode as was being done for Sickle cell anemia in tribal areas. ‘We need to take care of these diseases and eradicate them in the next 25 years. As guided by our Prime Minister we are soon going to start a color card system to identify all genetically linked diseases so that they can be easily identified,’ he added.

Dr Ajay Swaroop, Chairman, hospital Management Committee, underlined the ethos of charity in Sir Ganga Ram hospital. We do it out of desire and sense of service, not due to any compulsion. Speaking about Thalassemia unit, he said it is being run in true spirit and action. On this  day, we are happy to announce that there is zero addition of thalassemic child so far.

Dr Anupam Sachdeva, Head Pediatric Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplant, since 2006 at sir ganga ram hospital  all pregnancies are being screened for Thalassemia and we are proud to say that till date we have screened over 50000 pregnancies and no Thalassemic child has been born since that time.

Dr VK Khanna, Chairman, Department of Pediatrics reiterated that treatment for thalassemics is available in the form of Bone and stem cell transplant in our institution and we have done nearly 200 transplants but the need of the hour is to prevent the disease

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