‘Made in India’ Surgical Robot SSI Mantra takes giant baby step

Hyderabad/ New Delhi: Indian ‘Mantra’ is on history making spree. In a first, ‘Made in India’ surgical robot SSI Mantra created yet another milestone by operating upon one year old…

Zeroing in on CNS Tuberculosis in India in a High Powered Symposium

New Delhi: As goal post of eliminating tuberculosis in India by 2025 is drawing near, there is an urgent need to tackle the most difficult part of it which is…

CAHO, India’s Patient Safety Crusade, gets a Global Torchbearer

New Delhi: India’s CAHO (Consortium of Accredited Health care Organizations)’s quality revolution in healthcare is poised to spread far and wide across the world, thanks to appointment of Dheeraj Khatore…

CAHO Naa Patients Se Pyaar Hai

Calcutta:  As Mishty Doi hit it off with over 2000 first rate delegates and healthcare’s quality crusaders from home and abroad, Patient safety resolve took center stage as never before…

Ameera Shah, Prima Donna of Pathology, makes it to Powerful Healthcare Club NATHEALTH

New Delhi:  She came, she saw and she conquered- This classic line aptly sums up the meteoric rise and shine of 44 year old Ameera Shah, Promoter &MD of Metropolis…

Healthcare Honcho Club catches up with Vikshit Bharat Bandwagon

New Delhi: Predictably, Vikshit Bharat is the new flavor of corporate healthcare ecosystem in India. Healthcare honchos of India have hopped on PM Narendra Modi’s guarantee bandwagon of transforming India…

  • Pharma
  • March 23, 2024
‘Golden Hour’ Rush, Gripping Tales of Narayana Health docu series InsidER

Bangalore/ New Delhi: Golden hour is touch and go moments in medical emergencies. The frantic rush to keep death at bay is a scenario worth documenting. Narayana Health’s groundbreaking Docu…