IVF Clinics Flourish In State without any regulations

Every state has to ensure that the clinics and the health care centers should be run under the guidelines set by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). But the J&K state Health Department has failed to define regulations and administrative bodies to keep a check on the running of illegal infertility clinics and treatment centers as required by ICMR guidelines.

As indicated by the ICMR, it has not offered approval to any J&K  in-vitro fertility (IVF) center under its  National Registry of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) Clinics and Banks. According to the reports, only one center in the state has enrolled for the authentication by the ICMR up until now, and not get approved yet.

According to the ICMR, they have selected only one clinic with the name “ART center in J&K, in particular, Royal Infertility Clinic” in Raj Bagh, Srinagar under Dr. Bobby Kapra. The center has been affirmed as the check procedure by the Experts Committee of the ICMR is as yet pending.

According to the most recent ICMR registry, an enrolment number has been given to those ART centers who have effectively submitted subtle elements (under endorsed proforma) of least framework offices, trained manpower and strategy attempted at their facilities.

ICMR also indicated clearly that having an enrolment number is not a declaration of a certificate of quality in regard to services provided by the enrolled ART clinic. ICMR also clearly said that the data submitted by the selected ART Clinics has not yet been verified by the Experts Committee of the ICMR.  The verification process is in progress by the ICMR Experts Committee.

There seem no restrictions in the fake advertisement of the unregistered IVF centers. ICMR report uncovered the cases and status of legitimateness of IVF facilities and focuses on Jammu and Kashmir. Senior gynecologist working with the state Health and Medical Education Department (H&ME) clearly said that a large portion of the illegal clinics straightforwardly publicizes their fake expertise. She also said that they are making huge money through luring gullible couples.

Qualified doctors now demand there should be an awareness program to stop all such illegal practices which are misusing an increased infertility graph in Jammu and Kashmir for their benefit.

It is turning into a high-paid business with countless couples falling into their grasp.

All these centers remain unchecked in J&K because the state doesn’t have a ‘concerned body’ or ‘authority’ to check infertility centers and take a decision on their registration.

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