New Delhi: A Delhi boy Cyril Garg, 17, of Delhi Private School in Sharjah (UAE) has batted a thousand on the pitch of teen fitness and completely changed the narrative around gym. Mr Garg’s tall sculpted body build, thanks to Gym, cause of envy among his peers, has dispelled the worst fear of most of moms that gym might make their sons stunted and damage their muscles. Garg’s mother was not different and harbored the same doubt but had to wily nily yield to his craving for gym.
Gym Experience has turned him into a mascot for teens’ fitness through gym training. Call him Gym prodigy if you will. Son of a renowned orthopedic surgeon Dr Rajesh Garg in a famous hospital in Dubai, Cyril has taken upon himself to salvage gym from the stranglehold of age old mesh of misconception that Gym is jinxed for teens. His teenage fitness blog Lift-Like-Teens (LLT) is becoming a rage among teenagers and their moms. Thanks to his pro-teen blog, gym is no more a word of fear for thousand of moms who used to be worried sick about their children’s height and muscle training. The blog has become a rage among teens and is increasingly being looked at as bible of teen fitness. LLT is now sort of a guide book for gym going teenagers.
Leading by example Myth buster Cyril Garg now serves as friend, philosopher and guide for teens wanting to emulate his body build. His blog also offers a critical counsel about need of protein and protein supplements. With the help of well curated counsels in the blog, teens are safely navigating the gym fitness landscape. His father Dr Garg has come handy in this fitness quest.Teens are bombarded with tons of advice – some good, some questionable and some downright false like “You’ll stunt your growth if you lift weights,” “you need to just eat a bunch of protein” and the list goes on. But Cyril’s blog helps them to separate the wheat from the chaff. LLT blog busts some of the most common teen fitness myths and give you science-based facts about what really works. Whether you’re looking to build muscle, get fit, or simply become healthier in general, knowing the facts will allow you to train smarter and reach your goals faster.
LLT posts regular blogs covering the various aspects of staying fit, covering everything from lifting, nutrition, recovery and beyond. These blogs are a great insight for any teen wishing to start their very own fitness journey, as unlike adult training programs, the articles focus on age-appropriate exercising, proper form, and gradual progression to ensure safety and effectiveness. The advice given in these blogs has been carefully curated based on information given by a team of experts in the field of teenage fitness, so you can definitely count on it for being reliable. The myth-busting in this article and a lot more information to get you started on your fitness journey is available on liftliketeens.com, but for now lets dive into some myth-busters.
Summing up, his blog dispels all myths hindering teens’ fitness journey like ‘Strength training stunts a child’s growth’, ‘you will become muscular overnight’, ‘you need supplements to see progress’, ‘You have to hit the gym every day to see progress’, ‘Strength training will impair sports-specific skills’, blab la bla may be. Perish these thoughts and find wisdom in Cryl’s blog.