Mumbai : Navi Mumbai police Thursday arrested three persons and busted a factory in the Poynad area of Alibag where Mephedrone was allegedly being manufactured. The police said they seized 2.5 kg of Mephedrone worth Rs 2.5 crore in the international market.
An officer said they arrested Panvel resident Kalim Khamkar (39) based on a tip-off and found Mephedrone with him. After questioning him, the police arrested one Zaki Pittu (33). They told police that they got Mephedrone from a factory in the Poynad region where they manufactured it.
Accordingly, the police raided the factory and arrested a third accused, identified as Subhas Patil (40). The police also found some Mephedrone in the factory that was in the process of being manufactured. Accordingly, the police sealed the factory and booked the three accused under various sections of the NDPS.
An official said since there was a high demand for narcotics in New Year parties, the accused had started manufacturing Mephedrone here.