Rajasthan, one of the largest state in India experiences the lack of adequate healthcare services as 45% of specialist doctors’ posts lying vacant in the state. So, we all can assume the condition of the district hospitals and the healthcare services where the required staff is not recruited. NITI Aayog revealed this truth under the reports on ‘Healthy States, Progressive India’.
Reports also revealed that more than 40% of seats vacant for staff nurses in primary health centers (PHCs) and community health centers (CHCs). The report also revealed the truth of other states like 43% of seats vacant in Haryana, 50% in Bihar and 75% in Jharkhand.
To proper functioning of the district hospital, the hospital should have pharmacist, surgeon, obstetrics and gynecology specialist, pediatrics, anesthesia, ophthalmology, radiology, pathology, ear-nose-throat, dental and psychiatry. But reports clearly demonstrate the truth that many of the district hospitals have not filled up all specialist doctors vacancy.
Our point of concern is the shortage of doctors is continuously increasing, as the population is increasing day by day and healthcare services are required at every stage. Some states have made progress in reducing the reducing the vacancies of specialists at district hospitals from base to reference year, except Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Jharkhand, and Telangana.
States like Punjab, Maharashtra, and Uttarakhand have increased in specialists, ranging between 11% to 26% at the same time.
The Rajasthan government should need to take steps to fill vacant posts and the vacant posts have increased significantly from the base year (2014-15) to the reference year (2015-16).