• Pharma
  • November 2, 2020
Bharat Biotech to launch Covaxin in Q2 2021

New Delhi: Bharat Biotech is planning to launch its vaccine for Covid-19 in the second quarter next year if it gets the requisite approvals from the Indian regulatory authorities, a top company…

  • Health
  • October 21, 2019
Ultrasound Machine becomes a Drug! Sounds like ‘Sex Change’

New Delhi: Ultrasound Machine will now be a Drug, a medicine! Sounds like sex change, doesn’t it? It is a ‘forced’ marriage of sorts. The draft notification issued by Union…

  • Pharma
  • May 28, 2019
Drug companies prefer using popular brand names for new products

The central government has ordered state drug controllers not to allow pharma companies to market drug formulations in which the composition has been tweaked while retaining the old brand name.…

Soon, a common IT platform will be rolling out for management of sales and manufacturing licenses of drugs

To harmonize the drug licensing system in India, Union Ministry and family welfare coming out with common IT platform for the management of drug sales and manufacturing licenses for all…

  • Health
  • October 31, 2018
Diet Pills contain banned Ingredients Putting Indians At Risk

The use of Weight loss, muscle building or sexual enhancement pills are very common but be careful while using them as most of the pills listed in Public database mostly…

  • Policy
  • July 16, 2018
DCGI canceled the license for Diclofenac injection marketed by Novartis

With the raised concern by the Indian health ministry panel the license of Diclofenac injection sold by Novartis has been canceled by DCGI. The brand name of the Diclofenac painkiller…

  • Pharma
  • June 17, 2018
DCGI issued instructions to put a rack for generic drugs in a Private Chemist Shops

The Drug Controller General of India (DCGI), in a favor to promote generic medicines has issued instructions to all Indian states drug controllers to ensure that every private retail chemist…

  • Pharma
  • March 17, 2018
Wockhardt, two others under lens for selling drugs without approval

New Delhi: Major drug makers, including Wockhardt Ltd, are under the scanner of the pharma regulator for allegedly launching combination drugs to treat diabetes and fungal infection without mandatory prior…

  • News
  • October 15, 2016
Indian standards as per USFDA

New Delhi(Rakesh Saini) To make better export, USFDA standards are to be met. Sources in the Union Health Ministry said that though Indian drugs have a huge market in African…

  • News
  • October 15, 2016
Improvement in drug testing for better export

New Delhi (Rakesh Saini) Govt. has decided to upgrade drug testing to grab the opportunity in the demand for cheap Indian drugs abroad, the standards are to be improved to…