• Health
  • July 17, 2020
How Bihar is Tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic

Patna/ Delhi:  The recent spike of COVID-19 cases in Bihar has sharpened a debate that — How Bihar is tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. And also how the next assembly election…

  • Health
  • October 2, 2019
In Spite of Sugar, Sweetness permeated HEAL Health Writers Convention

New Delhi: Sugar may be villain of the piece so far as health is concerned. But the problem is sweetness as taste in food is an abiding craving. And if…

Youths are out to make # of ‘No to Single Use Plastics’

New Delhi: Prof K.G. Suresh, the Communication Guru, asked, ‘what is the hashtag (#) today? #LetUsNoToPlastics – Youth, who had assembled in numbers, mostly from Delhi University, answered in unison.…

  • Health
  • December 24, 2018
Health Writers Consultation red flagged Fake Health News as a menace

New Delhi: Fake health news is increasingly invading the mind space of patients in India. Hope selling and cure peddling are becoming fatal tools of taking treatment and health seekers…