Kolkata – Siliguri police on Saturday seized a consignment of 2,000 bottles of banned cough syrup sent from Kolkata by train. Two accused have been arrested. The accused have been identified as Arun Singh and Nagendra Roy, both residents of Silliguri. Primary investigation revealed that the consignment was being sent to Bangladesh and North-East India, said police. The two accused were arrested from Pradhannagar and have been remanded to police custody. “We have seized 2,000 bottles, each of which contains 200 ml of syrup,” said an official. Narcotics Control Bureau on Tuesday had seized 6,600 bottles of phensedyl cough syrup from the Kolkata’s Jorabagan area. Two persons were arrested in this connection.
In Jorabagan, The consignment was seized when the bottles were taken inside a godown at Madan Mohan Dutta Lane in Jorabagan. The owner of the Godown Seema Dey and Agartala resident Nandan Paul were arrested in the case. As per Narcotics Control board more than 8800 bottles of contraband cough syrup has been seized in past one month in three different raids.
This multibagger pharma stock jumped 9% today; stock up 10x in 21 months
Shares of Wockhardt Ltd surged more than 9 per cent during the trading session on Friday to hit its new 52-week high after the national drug regulator approved a medicine…