Relationships, for some people they are complicated and for some, they are very simple. Couple relationship can’t be summarised only in emotional aspects but it is more than this. For many couples, only one coming smile is working as a stress buster for their partners. Partner’s constant care, love, dedication, honesty, company and physical presence are key elements for any couple’s relationship.
Long distance relationships are very hard to keep alive as sometimes emotional support is not enough and physical presence is required. Physical Intimacy strengthens the bond between the couples and it acts as a love carrier between both the couples.
There should be fun, sharing and caring in the relationship. Working couples need to take off from routine work and spend a whole day with their partners on the beach, in the garden, long drive, romantic date or just chill together!
Sometimes your love filled hug is enough for your partner to make her feel special. Express your love to your partner and lover needs to do some special to make your partner feel special.
According to the surveys, men felt the need of physical intimacy more than the women. On an average, twice a week sex is the need of a man, just once a week sex is enough for a woman to stay content.
In short, both the partners need to understand their lovers’ needs to make their relationship happy and long-lasting.