Dr.Gautam Allahbadia’s Gift
Looking at our own reflection might be disconcerting for some of us. However, watching our offspring grow day by day will always be the best feeling that any of us, man and woman, husband, and wife, could ever fathom. However, as we are moving towards a relentlessly competitive world filled with opportunities, we have also attracted mammoth degrees of stress and anxiety in our lifestyles. This has severely impacted our physical, mental, and reproductive health. Infertility being one of the major setbacks for our species, it is high time that we rethink our strategy to achieve success in our lives.
Dr. Gautam Allahbadia and his contribution towards dealing with infertility has acquired an extremely special place in the world of medical science. Three decades back, Dr.GautamAllahbadia initiated India’s first budget IVF centre.In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) has not just offered new hopes to the couples worldwide who were facing fertility issues but has also created immense impact on emotional, social, and psychological grounds as well.
IVF has provided a new horizon to the world of human reproduction. Currently, IVF has gained immense popularity across the globe. More and more couples are taking this opportunity to change their world and welcome a new life in their family.
PGD – Another Feather in the Cap
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is another reproductive technology.When PGD is combined with the IVF cycle, it increases the probability of a successful pregnancy and delivery. Couples with chromosome abnormalities or specific genetic disorders as also older women should definitely consider PGD.
Women with multiple miscarriages and men with sperm abnormalities exhibit higher chromosome abnormalities. As Dr. Gautam Allahbadia has said, “Starting with your IVF cycle may take a lot of monitoring and repeated visits to the clinic, but if done right, can help you realize your dream of having a child. There is plenty of advice on how to increase your chance of conceiving.”
Time is Life
Timing is extremely important to increase the chances of conception. As per a recent medical survey, 74% of women don’t know when in their cycle is the optimal time to conceive. As Dr. Gautam Allahbadia rightly points out, “While timing isn’t the sole factor, it is one of the most important ones. Knowing your fertile period can certainly improve your chances of pregnancy.” Dr. Gautam Allahbadia has been the guiding light in the world of IVF for more than three decades now.
His expertise in Ultrasound Guided Embryo transfers and helping women with low AMH through Minimal Stimulation IVF (IVF Lite) has brought smiles not only in South-east Asia, but in more than 9000 families across six continents of this planet. Dr. Allahbadia was responsible for introducing the term IVF Lite in the world of medical science. Currently, he acts as the torchbearer of this field and tirelessly provides his expertise to all those in need.
Considering the fact that in these difficult times, different societies label infertility as a taboo in their own way. However, we all should strive to come out of our limited perspectives and develop the courage to discuss this issue with all, without any inhibition. Dr. Gautam Allahbadia is a gargantuan example of selfless and tireless contribution towards not only normalizing an abnormality like infertility but offering life-changing solutions as well.
Video link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OSGzdw7Y1Q