Agartala: Tripura police on Thursday night seized a huge cache of contraband items from a container vehicle in Khayerpur Bypass Road.
Briefing the details, Bodhjungnagar Police Station OC Krishnadhan Das said, “OC Khayerpur PS received specific information of smuggling of contraband items from secret source and accordingly we detained a vehicle numbered KA01 AL4183 near Lohia Logistic Park”.
Searching the vehicle, 12 cartoons loaded with contraband Codeine Cough Syrup was recovered that has a market value of more than Rs 9 lakh.
Driver of the vehicle, Jogen Hazarika has also been arrested in connection with the seizure.
“A case has been registered against the detained person with Case No. 78/2023 under sections 21C, 25, 29 NDPS Act”, said police.
The accused was produced before the court on Friday seeking police remand for further investigation regarding the peddling on contraband items.