New Delhi (PTI): The Anti-Corruption Branch has registered a case against the-then superintendent and other officials of Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan in Delhi’s Najafgarh for alleged irregularities in recruitment, officials said on Monday.
A committee was constituted to inquire into the alleged irregularities committed in the recruitment for the posts of associate professor and assistant professor, they said.
According to the inquiry report, Tanwar committed serious irregularities by not following directions and not linking the recruitment files, the official said.
Multiple discrepancies such as manipulation and the creation of additional vacancies without following the norms were observed.
Two candidates — Alok Kumar Asthana and Mukesh Kumar Sharma — did not possess the qualification for the post and were declared not eligible by the first scrutiny committee, Joint Commissioner of Police (Anti-Corruption Branch) Madhur Verma said.
Subsequently, a second scrutiny committee made them eligible and shortlisted them for interview. Later, they were selected and allowed to join the department as associate professors, Verma said.
The inquiry committee submitted its report concluding that the allegations were found substantiated. Following recommendations from the competent authority, a case was registered on Friday under sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Prevention of Corruption Act and it is being investigated, he added.