NEW DELHI: The Manipal-TPG combine today revised the offer for Fortis Healthcare by committing to invest in the cash-strapped firm at Rs 180 per share, thus increasing the valuation to Rs 9,403 crore.
In a regulatory filing, Fortis Healthcare Ltd (FHL) said it has received revised offer from Manipal and TPG with a proposal to invest in the company, while making public a letter sent by Manipal Health Enterprises Pvt Ltd (MHEPL) to the Fortis board.
Having lost out to the Munjal-Burmans combine last week, Manipal-TPG which was the first to make a offer to Fortis Healthcare Ltd, said that for purposes of the merger, a value of Rs 9,403 crore shall be attributed to FHL under its revised offer.
On the other hand, a value of Rs 6,070 crore shall be attributed to MHEPL as had been originally determined by the independent valuers of for the purpose of the transaction, it said in the letter.
“The preferential allotment shall be undertaken at a price of Rs 180 per share. For purposes of the merger, a value of Rs 9,403 crore shall be attributed to FHL and a value of Rs 6,070 crore shall be attributed to MHEPL as had been originally determined by the independent valuers of for the purpose of the transaction.