A medical shop owner, identified as Vijay Kumar, son of Khushi Ram, a resident of Thakraie has been arrested with plenty of intoxicant tablets by Police and taken into custody. However, police also recommended for cancellation of his medical shop’s license as these intoxicants were sedative in nature and will use to sell these to the youth and students of the town for addiction.
A team from Kishtwar Police Station conducted a raid at Vijay Medicos at Kuleed Chowk and recovered 630 intoxicant tablets on specific information as per police sources. All these tablets seized and registered a case under FIR Number 241/17 under Section 48-A Excise Act has been registered at Police Station Kishtwar and investigation started.
Police officials willing to take a strict action against them and has recommended for the cancellation of the pharmaceutical license of the shop owner.
Under the supervision of SHO Inspector Sameer Jillani, the case has been filed against him. These kinds of illegal sales provide availability of sedative tablets and encourage addiction to them. Strong action should be taken against them, so people stop following these activities to make money.