DCA seizes overpriced Itraconazole capsules from medical shop in Secunderabad
Hyderabad: The teams of the Telangana State Drug Control Administration (TGSDCA) carried out raids and seized stocks of ITRAMEN-200 capsules (Itraconazole Capsules 200 mg) at a medical shop in Bandimet, Secunderabad. Itraconazole Capsules 200 mg,…
NPPA sets retail prices for 65 drugs, revises ceiling for 20 formulations
The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) has fixed retail prices for 65 new drug formulations and notified ceiling price fixation of 13 formulations. The regulatory body, under the Department of…
Centre To Push Pharma Exports To Japan
Hyderabad: The Centre will give a special push to Indian pharma exports to Japan in the upcoming investment and trade promotion road show to be held from October 25 to 27…
NPPA Fixes Retail Price Of 51 Formulations, Details
New Delhi : Through a recent notification, the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA), the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India, has fixed the retail price of 51 formulations, including…
Shortage Of Tuberculosis Drugs In Karnataka Affecting DOTS And DOTS Plus Treatment Centers
Bengaluru : Drug shortage is mainly affecting the government’s Directly Observed Therapy (DOTS) and DOTS Plus treatment centres. With the central government stopping the supply of two drugs — cycloserine and…