Navi Mumbai: Raigad police have busted a fake call centre selling sex drugs to US nationals, which was being operated illegally from a resort in Alibaug on late Thursday evening. Around 33 employees at the call centre have been arrested as they were found to be contacting US nationals using internet calls such as VoIP and other communication modes, and duping them monetarily after offering to sell them sex stimulation medicines which are banned in that country.
Somnath Gharge, Raigad SP, said that the Alibaug police had received information that a fake call centre was being operated at Nature’s Edge resort at Parhur village in Alibaug taluka. The police team, led by inspector KP Sale, raided the resort where 32 men and one woman employed at the call centre were arrested. The call centre was being operated by one Rohit Butane, who is being traced. The call centre employees used to contact US nationals using the internet and, posing as representatives of a US Pharma company owned by one John, they used to offer to sell sex stimulation medicines like Viagra, Cialis, and Livitro, which are banned in the USA. The accused employees then used to accept payment from them through Gift Cards, whose code was shared by the buyers, and the employees then redeemed the gift card amount to Indian currency and transferred it through Hawala to the key accused Rohit Butala.
SP Gharge said, “However, after the US nationals made payment for the sex drugs, the call centre employees did not deliver the products and duped them. From the resort where the accused had set up a fake call centre with wooden furniture, we have seized electronic devices like 32 computers/laptops, 31 keyboards, 32 headphones, 15 mouse devices, an inverter, a wifi unit modem, five 4-wheelers, one bike, and 55 mobile phones collectively worth Rs 85.45 lakhs. The 33 employees were well aware that they were employed for cheating the US nationals as they were offered commission by the key accused Rohit Butala.”