Over 10 crore people sitting on minefield of high BP unawares

New Delhi: 20 crore people in India are in vice like grip of high blood pressure. Half of them are not aware that they are sitting on the minefield of…

If Asthma management is dog cheap, why pay through nose

New Delhi: If your child coughs even when he laughs, it is not a laughing matter, he may be asthmatic. Other symptoms like coughing without rhyme or reason (fiver of…

Care of an Alzheimer patient is the ‘mother’ of all cares

New Delhi: Alzheimer has put Karan Dubey in a queer role. His 93 year old mother, who is suffering from Alzheimer, has become a la a 4 year old child.…

  • Health
  • September 7, 2018
A new technique filters danger of impending stroke out

New Delhi: Mrs. Indira Sharma, aged 71, was at tipping point of an impending stroke. But for timely intervention through a new technique, she would have succumbed to the danger…